- additive oil
- масло с присадками
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Oil additive — Oil additives are chemical compounds that improve the lubricant performance of base oil (or oil base stock ). By utilizing the same base stock, many different oils can be manufactured, each with its distinctive properties. Additives comprise up… … Wikipedia
Oil analysis — (OA) is the laboratory analysis of a lubricant s properties, suspended contaminants, and wear debris. OA is performed during routine preventive maintenance to provide meaningful and accurate information on lubricant and machine condition. By… … Wikipedia
additive — A substance (liquid or powder) which is added to gasoline or oil and is intended to improve the characteristics of the original product. Also see anti knock additive fuel additive oil additive … Dictionary of automotive terms
Additive — may refer to:* Additive function, a function which preserves addition * Additive inverse, an arithmetic concept * Additive category, a preadditive category with finite biproducts * Additive rhythm, a larger period of time constructed from smaller … Wikipedia
Oil spill — A squid after an oil spill Oil Sick from th … Wikipedia
oil — Synonyms and related words: Barbados tar, Haliver Oil, Macassar oil, absinthe, adipose tissue, adulation, aid, alcohol, animal oils, anoint, anthracene oil, aquarelle, asphalt base oil, avocado oil, balm, balsam, bay oil, beechnut oil, beef… … Moby Thesaurus
additive — 1. adjective /ˈadɪtɪv,ˈæɾətɪv,ˈæɾəɾɪv/ a) Pertaining to addition; that can be, or has been, added. Matrix multiplication is additive in that . b) Distributive over addition. It is natural to look at a finite cyclic group as an additive group. Ant … Wiktionary
Additive Energie — Erneuerbare Energien, auch regenerative Energien oder Alternativenergien, sind aus nachhaltigen Quellen sich erneuernde Energien. Sie bleiben − nach menschlichen Zeiträumen gemessen − kontinuierlich verfügbar und stehen hiermit im Gegensatz zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Additive Energien — Erneuerbare Energien, auch regenerative Energien oder Alternativenergien, sind aus nachhaltigen Quellen sich erneuernde Energien. Sie bleiben − nach menschlichen Zeiträumen gemessen − kontinuierlich verfügbar und stehen hiermit im Gegensatz zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
oil additive — Any one of a variety of chemicals added to engine oils to improve their performance. They include additives to increase viscosity at high and low temperatures; to inhibit corrosion, wear, and foaming; to prevent the formation of breakdown… … Dictionary of automotive terms
food additive — additive (def. 4). * * * ▪ food processing Introduction any of various chemical substances added to foods to produce specific desirable effects. Additives such as salt, spices, and sulfites have been used since ancient times to preserve… … Universalium